Dedicated to helping students
Gain financial literacy
Understand the importance of budgeting, savings and investing
Encourage active participation in school and activities
Learn about careers and prepare for what's next

What makes Finly unique
Engaging and personalized learning
Small, cohort-based courses
Live instruction by professional educators
Customized financial plan focused on outcome-based goals
Finly Money 101
Three levels: middle school, high school and college and beyond
12 one-hour live instructor-led sessions
Features simulations, videos, interactive activities and assessments
Focused on the core JumpStart national financial literacy content areas: spending and saving, credit and debt, employment and income, investing, risk management and insurance and financial decision making
Group Sessions
Customized sessions to meet your learners' financial literacy needs
Focused on the core JumpStart national financial literacy content areas: spending and saving, credit and debt, employment and income, investing, risk management and insurance and financial decision making
And, more coming soon

Students investigate banking options and experience managing accounts and payments
Improved money management skills

Students walk through a credit report and create an improvement plan
Avoid expensive borrowing behaviors

Students develop their own employment package (resume, cover letter and LinkedIn profile and apply for real jobs.
Connect preparation to earnings

Students file sample income taxes using TurboTax.
Strength financial position

Students create and manage a mock personal investment portfolio
Create wealth

savings &
Students investigate banking options and experience managing accounts and payments
Plan for the future